21 February 2010

Enjoy podcasts on the Nokia N900 with gPodder

Another app that I use a lot on my N900 is gPodder. gPodder is a podcast application with many features most importantly u can stream or download podcasts. I have yet to explore all the features of the app especially in connection with the many ways you can add podcasts and that is because so far all the podcasts that I’ve added has been video podcasts which had URL feeds. Because of that the only thing I had to do after I installed the gPodder was to copy the URL for feed into the app by choosing “Add new podcast” and then select “Podcast feed/website URL”. That’s all.
The Podcasts I’ve added are mostly Danish podcast and I can very much recommend these Podcasts:

Danskerne Akademi:
DR2 Udland:
http://vpodcast.dr.dk/feeds/DR2_udlandrss.xml (Danish)
http://vpodcast.dr.dk/feeds/smagsdommernerss.xml (Danish)
So ein Ding:
http://vpodcast.dr.dk/feeds/soeindingrss.xml (Danish)
Spise med Price:
http://vpodcast.dr.dk/feeds/spisemedpricerss.xml (Danish)
http://vpodcast.dr.dk/feeds/troldspejletrss.xml (Danish)
http://www.podshow.com/feeds/geekbrief.xml (English)

All the video podcasts from Danmarks Radio can be found here: http://www.dr.dk/Podcast/video.htm

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