21 February 2010

MMS on the N900

I finally got MMS to work on my N900 the last couple of days I’ve managed to both send a MMS and receive one.

To do so I needed to apps: fAPN and fMMS. fAPN is used to make a new APN and fMMS is the actual MMS client.
As I’m in Denmark and my N900 uses Telias network I had to find the right MMS parameters for Telia Denmark, and fortunately the Maemo community has made that pretty easy as there is a list with all the know MMS parameters listed by country and provider here.

After I had found the right parameters and installed the two apps I opened fAPN and added the APN Telia MMS, then closed the program and went to internet connections in the settings menu. There I chose connections, Telia MMS and Edit. I then had to push next and put in www.mms.mtelia.dk as name of access point, then next and then advanced. In advanced I had to put as HTTP-Proxy and 8080 as port number and then hit save.
With the APN now configured I then went to fMMS and configured the app I chose Telia MMS as the APN, http://mms.telia.dk as the MMSC, put in 300 as the value for “Resize image width” and then my phone number including country code.
And that was it… Now I can send and receive MMS on my N900.


Steen said...

Great guide! Thanks!

I've been able to send and receive MMS after setting up a new APN and installing fMMS.

My problem is however that the new APN only works for MMS and not for internet browsing, exchange server etc. My phone keeps connecting via the new APN by default when I leave the comfort of my wlans thus leaving me without a proper internet connection. I have to manually select the old APN.

How do I make the old APN the default one? Or how do you work around this problem?


Jesper Blaabjerg Holm said...

Hi Steen

My N900 connects to the wrong APN about 25% of the time to.
It seems like there's a work around to the problem: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=532162&postcount=819
I haven't tried it myself so let me know if it works for you. :-)


Steen said...

Hi Jesper,

Been testing the solution you linked to for the last couple of days and I think that I can conclude that it works! :-)

I havn't been through all use cases yet but so far I am happy with the result.

Thanks for the link!
