09 March 2010

Sync the Nokia N900 with iTunes using Salling Media Sync

I have for years now been using iTunes on my PC because in my opinion it's the best music-player for PC. But because iTunes is an Apple product it does not work with any other device then the iPhone and iPod and that is very annoying. So what do you do when you want to sync you Nokia N900 with iTunes, well you could do like me and use Salling Media Sync. With Salling Media Sync you can sync music, podcasts and photos. When syncing music you can choose to sync all you music or just specific playlists. Salling Media Sync is free in the unregistered version, the only drawback when using that version is that whenever you want to sync you music to the N900 Salling Media Sync will delete all the music and re-transfer it making sync time longer then when using the registered version where Salling Media Sync only transfer the new music to the N900.
So far I've really enjoyed using Salling Media Sync especially because it makes it possible to continue to use iTunes on my PC when using the N900 as my portable music device. But even if you are a Mac user don't worry there's also a version of Salling Media Sync for you.

02 March 2010

Now using Barriosquare for Foursquare on the Nokia N900

Woohoo... I've been waiting for this day since I started using Foursquare and now it has come. I am now testing Barriosquare for my Nokia N900 and I like it... It's obviously not a finished build since it's not even in Maemo extras-devel yet, but that doesn't mean that it's not very usable and usefull.
To install Barriosquare I first had to get permitted into this group to be able to get the .deb-file after that I had to manually install the dependencies through X terminal with "apt-get install", luckily there's a great guide on how to install in the group.
When I first opened Barriosquare I had to login and then it worked. I could from the options menu choose how Barriosquare should acquire my position, I could see my position on Google Maps, see my badges, see the nearby venues, I could add a venue and I could search for a venue.
I was unfortunately not able to show my friends' recent checkin list, and my checkin history but I think that could have something to do with the Foursquare servers as I often get error screen when I use the browser version!?

01 March 2010

Show people what you are listening to with Nokia N900 and Last.fm

I've used Last.fm for many years now, I do not stream music from Last.fm and I do not pay for the service but I like to be able to keep track of which tunes and artists I listen to the most and I'm a great fan of how Last.fm is able to recommend artists to you by analyzing what you normally listen to.
When I used my Nokia N82 I used Mobbler and I when I got my Nokia N900 I really wanted to have something similar first I tried Vagalume but could not make it work and thought it was to big and clumsy, then I found Last.fm Scrobbler which is perfect. It is small and runs automatically you just login once and then every time you listen to music through the build-in music player Last.fm Scrobbler scrobbles your music.
Now I can still keep track on what I listen to, and with Last.fm connected to my Twitter profile, Last.fm automatically sends out tweet for me every week with my top 3 artists of that week.